Monday, November 26, 2012

50 Advent Calendar Ideas

Yesterday I published a blog about using email as a quick and paper-free way to celebrate the advent calendar.  Advent comes from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming", and it's a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Christmas holiday.  Upon December 1st, our family begins counting down the days until Christmas by using an advent calendar.  I decided to do advent calendars because waiting for Christmas to arrive can feel like ions of time for a child, so having something to look forward to each day doesn't seem to make the time go as slowly.

Here is a list of 50 ideas that I compiled that can work for an advent calendar.  I have used some of them in past years and plan to use many of them this year.  I try to refrain from buying too many "goodies", even if they are made with natural ingredients, and concentrate more on activities to strengthen our family, faith, and community.

50 ideas for your Advent calendar
  1. Let's sit back after a long day and watch a Christmas movie--popcorn included
  2. Put on your pajamas!  It's breakfast for dinner!
  3. Look under your pillow.  You earned an extra surprise without having to lose a tooth.
  4. Today, think of one thing for each family member that you are grateful for. Let's share them at dinner.
  5. Gather up some of your unused toys and let's donate them so others can share in the joy of them.
  6. Let's go shopping--for food that is, and donate it to the local food pantry.
  7. Fair trade chocolate coins
  8. All-natural gum, like Glee gum
  9. Music is in the air. You are allowed to download 1 song for your library.
  10. Bring your pillows and sleeping bags....we will be sleeping by the Christmas tree tonight.
  11. Shop for a child in need
  12. Make a seed ornament for our feathered friends.
  13. Get your game's family game night!
  14. Tonight for dinner, everything will be's fondue night.
  15. Dashing through the snow-----tonight we will go look at Christmas lights!
  16. Send a card to a military soldier
  17. Naturally colored candy cane
  18. Enjoy an evening with a cocoa bar
  19. Borrow Christmas books from the local library and read it together
  20. Make cookies for local community members, such as police or fire department
  21. Grandmas, Grandpas, Uncles, and Aunts.  Family is important, so this evening we will be  celebrating the holidays with our extended family.
  22. Bookmark
  23. We had two extra place settings tonight. Invite a friend for dinner.
  24. Let's go to the movies. Be sure to bring a can to donate
  25. What is winter without ice?  Let's go ice skating today.
  26. Our furry friends need help during the holidays too.  Let's make some dog treats to donate to the local shelter.
  27. Go find a special treat in your stocking.
  28. St. Nick made a visit.  Go check your shoes!
  29. Pick your favorite cookie to bake with Mom today.
  30. Let's go hear some beautiful music and support (insert name)  at his/her Christmas concert.
  31. Special pencil or pen
  32. Stickers
  33. You get to buy 1 extra treat at lunch today.
  34. Invite one friend for a sleepover tonight
  35. A special puzzle is here. Let's see if we can be put together by Christmas
  36. Try to find as many words using letters in "Merry Christmas". Bring your list to dinner.
  37. Did you find the hidden pickle on the Christmas tree? If not, whoever finds it will receive a special treat.
  38. After school, we will go shopping for Christmas gifts for others (siblings, parents, grandparents).  Be sure to bring your money.
  39. Lego Night. What kind of holiday inspired items can you make?
  40. Today we will be decorating gingerbread houses
  41. Write a letter to Santa and tell him 2 gifts you would like to receive.
  42. Make popcorn garland and string outside for the birds
  43. Make an ornament to put on the tree
  44. One extra hour of computer/tv time this week
  45. Make your own pizza night
  46. Go see a local Christmas play
  47. Baby, it's cold outside.  Let's enjoy an indoor picnic instead.
  48. Some people will not have items to keep them warm this year. Let's donate some hats, gloves, scarves, and coats to a local charity.
  49. Make a snowman ---weather permitting :-)
  50. Will you earn "coal" in your stocking this year? Let's hope not.  (Coal gum from Trader's Joes.)
I hope I have given you some ideas that you can share with your family during this Christmas holiday. Enjoy!

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